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How can we help?

We're eager to assist you. We can help with state agencies and programs, answer questions about legislation before the General Assembly, connect you with federal representatives, and help draft legislation.


Don't see what you're looking for? Call or text us at (434) 443-5400 or write us an email.

Get help with an agency or program like the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) or the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

We can help get things moving if you're having trouble with a particular agency. Please call or text us at (434) 443-5400 or utilize our online form to make a request.

Ask a question about legislation before the General Assembly or recommend legislation.

Democracy is not a spectator sport. We're counting on you to provide feedback on legislation that you are passionate about, and we're equally counting on you to tell us what bills you'd like to see passed in the future. Please call or text us at (434) 443-5400 or write us an emailFollow me on social media to learn more about my work in Richmond.

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Nominate someone for a commending resolution or request a memorial resolution.

Delegate Callsen can file resolutions to honor members of the Charlottesville and Albemarle community. Due to the volume of requests, we make no guarantee that each request will receive a resolution, but we'll do our best to honor everyone we can. To request a commending or memorial resolution write us an email or utilize the online form to make a request.

Ask a question about local government.

Questions regarding local government issues are most appropriate for elected officials and government staff in the two localities we represent: City of Charlottesville and Albemarle CountyNot sure if your issue is a federal, state, or local question? Email us anyway and we'll try to point you in the right direction!

Ask a question about federal legislation being considered by the United States Congress or a question about a federal agency like the US Postal Service.

Questions regarding legislation before the United States Congress or concerning a federal agency are most appropriate for our federal representatives: Congressman Bob Good and Senators Mark Warner and Tim KaineNot sure if your issue is a federal, state, or local question? Email us anyway and we'll try to point you in the right direction!

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